Friday, 5 October 2012


Today was my Designated Day Off (each week one day will be for doing nothing/very little), although I still did do stuff so mm :/ Very tired.

Had a mixed breakfast of sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, french toast, potato gems (breakfast potato. Wut?) and a toasted scone. But I didn't really eat much of it coz the bagel with philadelphia was so beyond delicious I got full quite quickly. Also the strawberry milk. Which, even though it was Nesquik, tasted like an Up 'n' Go, which probably explains why I got so full after mostly a bagel....

Wrote up some postcards before debating between swimming in the pools or going golfing which I had a pass for. Did neither coz I cbb to get changed for swimming or to trek it the 5-10 minutes it was to the Winter Summerland golf course. So instead I caught up on half my journal entries which I've neglected since arriving until it was time to head out to lunch.

You can see why I enjoyed it


If you name a movie, chances are I saw a prop from it. I'm just putting pictures up of my favourites.

Anyway, so something's wrong with my eating this week because the meals are so fricking huge here that I'm getting sick whenever it's time to eat. Today for example, with the bagel and milk. Or at lunch, I ordered the pizza from the kid's menu and only got through 1/2 of it before having to take the rest home. Or the all you can eat buffet the other day! I had some broccoli and green beans, left my penne (!) and chicken and all the other yummy stuff, AND HAD NO DESERT. Told you something's wrong. But moving on...

Then, I intended to go back to the resort but got distracted by all the shopping ughhhhhhh. Did buy some stuffies and so now I shall spend my evening counting how much money I've spent this week so I can re-evalute my Emerica budget. Have cancelled my dinner reservations for Cap'n Jack's seafood restaurant coz I'm too tired to go anywhere. Possibly even too tired to trek it the 3 minute walk to the food court here. Emma's gonna go hungry tonight!


  1. I was going to be like 'no, don't starve yourself! that makes you even more tired!' then I reread the bit about the proportions you're eating so you might actually be fine... Idk if you have access to basic food necessities like fruit or bread or snacks from where you are but maybe stock some snacks in your room for days like these?

  2. Yeah, I meant to do that yesterday arvo (I really regretted not doing it by 10pm!) but it was raining so hard I just wanted to get out of my squelchy sandals ha. Going to have a light breakfast this morning coz I have lunch reservations out at the Plaza on Main Street USA and a very late dinner at THE CRYSTAL PALACE so hopefully the large gaps between eating will stop me feeling so full to the point of illness

    I'm wondering if it's all the water I am drinking to stay hydrated. Or all the walking. Or the heat! So many possibilities!
