Kidding. Maybe.
No, they were so beautiful. There were trees everywhere and they were all green/green-yellow/yellow/orange/burnt orange/brown and even in one case HOT PINK WTF? I took a photo, naturally. I took many, actually. It was just so picturesque! If it weren't for the fact that it was a place of learning, I'd go there every day just to chill. But you know how I feel about learning.
Oh! I did spend about $150 on MIT and Harvard clothes though. I'm going to be the classiest tshirt collector in Sydney. Dude.
MORE EMERICA GAMES! You will be given multiple choice answers and must choose the answer you think I have made up.
a) MIT students played a prank on the MIT police by putting an MIT police car on top of the Great Dome |
b) MIT students made a giant tetris game out of this building |
c) this library was bought for Harvard by a guy's mum after he died in the Titanic |
Um... C?