Anyway, so I spent the morning at Madam Tussaud's, which was fantastic! I loved it. Unfortunately I can't pick just one or even three photos, so none are going up :( FEEL FREE TO ASK TO SEE MY SCRAPBOOK IN DECEMBER WHEN IT HAS BEEN MADE!
Then caught the Hop on/off bus around downtown. Got off at Ground Zero on impulse, but it turns out you need tickets (despite being free) so I'll have to go back tomorrow. It was a bit eerie/chilling to be honest. Like, being in a Haunted House but much weirder coz you're outside in the middle of this thriving financial district, surrounded by people.
Had lunch at Burger King, which despite being Hungry Jacks with a different name is SO DIFFERENT. I said I was eating in, so they gave me a number, told me to walk upstairs and I was SEATED AT A TABLE BY A SERVER AND WAS BROUGHT MY MEAL. WHAT? IT'S ONLY A WHOPPER MEAL. CALM DOWN.
Nah, it felt pretty fancy, in that 'hehehe I'm so cool' kind of way. Also, the guy in charge was pretty cool, talked to him for a while. He called me Boston coz of my jumper haha.
Then I just bussed around the entire city getting my feel of everything and came home exhausted but with a plan for Thurs-Sunday. So everything is all set. My week is going to be so busybusybusybusybusy (especially tomorrow) but it wouldn't be NY if it wasn't, would it?*
A magnet I liked because it sums up me pretty perfectly |
All right, HAD to put this one up |
Oh and I made friends with a guy in the kitchen tonight who works at a restaurant across the road. Scored myself a croissant for breakky, baguette and banana for lunch, and he'll be bringing me NY meatball sub for dinner. ALL FOR FREE! YAY!
*Mind you, NY is not as busy as they lead me to believe. However, this may be due to having lived in Sydney my whole life, which has me used to large crowds. But still, I was picturing this city to be like ants around an anthill :S WRONG
ReplyDeleteXD OMG, YOU! YOU!
DeleteYou and Miley. What can we say! It looks real. Does this mean that dad and I have to lock away a Saturday night with popcorn to watch all your photos.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are having a great time. Ground Zero would be fantastic to look at.
You need to pay to look at Ground Zero? I don't quite comprehend this o.O
ReplyDeleteHahahaha that is one epic BK style BK.
Omg, that sounds so yum AND it's free. Good work infiltrating the people, Agent Em.
No no, it's free, you just need to order a visitor's pass a day in advance because the tours are led by family members/survivors/rescue people from that day etc and it's so crowded that they need to control numbers in a way. But it would have been nice to know. Debating whether or not I have time to go all the way downtown again before I leave.
DeleteCRAZY BK more like.
lol all Burger Kings don't do that. NYC ones, depending upon where in NYC you're going, do, though. And I bet some in other cities do the same. Like, if you were on Long Island and you went to a burger king, they would give you a number, but they wouldn't seat you, and you'd go to the end of a counter and you'd get your meal there, and you take it back and seat yourself somewhere.
ReplyDeleteGround Zero is definitely chilling. At NYU, we did walks to Ground Zero on September 11th every year as this huge student community/interfaith thing. (But even being with a mob of people over there is just... somber. Rightfully so. I don't think I could have done it alone.)
LOL, "like ants around an anthill". That's more Times Square, but even then, it's not that bad. This amuses me because before I lived in the city, IT'S EXACTLY THE IMPRESSION I HAD TOO. And then after NYU, whenever I take people to the city, it's always fun because after the first hour, they realize it isn't one of those cities that make you feel like a tiny dot on a giant planet (I hear Hong Kong and Tokyo do this though).
I saw a Maccas here today that boasted about being able to seat 200 people o.O whoa
Delete(Plus, at our BK/HJ's ((we call it HJ's)), you just stand to the side and they remember what you ordered and hand it to you, no numbers required. That's why I had no idea what to do when she gave me #32 ha.
Yeah, I'm not keen on doing it solo, even if I was to go with other people and not talk to them it makes a different atmosphere I think. Hoping to have time to trek it back there on Sunday but don't know yet.
Yes! Times Square is certainly busy but everywhere else is pretty so-so! Never knew that about Hong Kong or Tokyo though - which adds a whole new layer as to why the youma only ever attack conveniently where ALL OF THE SENSHI LIVE WHICH IS SUPER SUPER CLOSE TO EACH OTHER